Saturday 20 December 2014

If God decided my Fate, then why should i put efforts

Since childhood, we are brought up in the society inculcating a firm belief in the existence of a Super natural power God. We are told God punishes those who do evils and takes care of those who love God and love the people around them whom God created. As time passes by, we hear stories from our parents, teachers, well wishers on how our "Fate is Pre decided", "Everything  good or bad in our Life is due to Karmas of purva Janma" etc. And as we grow big, complete college and start our professional career, one question that starts bothering us is that "If God has already decided my Fate or everything that happens in my life is due to results of my Purva Karmas, then what is the point in my putting in any efforts, because i don't have control on my destiny" . And this questions bothers us only at those times when we are facing failures in life.Today, we will try to find answer for this question.

I will first tell you a story about 3 friends and then try to give my perspective on the Laws of Fate, Destiny and Freewill. There were 3 friends, we will call them A, B and C who joined same company after completing their graduation. All 3 started at a Salary of Rs. 3 lacs per annum. After working for 2 years in that company, they found that their was no growth in company and so their careers were struck. Since A was a firm believer in fate and destiny, he thought God has already decided my career path, so let me carry on as per his wishes. B and C though believed in destiny but they had faith in their efforts and hard work too. So both B and C cleared couple of certification courses. Afterwards B got a job in a large Corporation with a decent salary hike. And C got a job in a small start up company where he had to start from scratch. But C also got a decent salary hike.

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Inspiration: December 2014
